Monday, July 25, 2011


I have this suspicion that when I see most of you, you're going to ask me, "How was you're trip?" Thank you for asking, but I'm not sure exactly what I'll say. I am already struggling with how to explain the scope of this journey. Maybe the same feelings that Jonah had when he returned from his little adventure and his friends and family asked him, "How was your trip to Ninevah, Jonah?" Now, I'm definitely not saying that I am having a comparable adventure to Jonah's, but maybe some similar inexplicable feelings.

You might say, "Well, give us an example of what happened." OK, without betraying the confidence that some readers have placed with me, there is one person who's had an amazingly difficult road to travel. Before every session, I pray for every reader and ask that God will give me His Spirit so that I say only what God wants me to say and to be quiet and listen when God wants me to shut up. This person told me that they feel trapped in their life right now and that in our reading sessions, they feel a peace that they can't find anywhere else. I told them that God sent me here because God wants them to know that He cares about them.

Many people could easily explain that the reason this person feels peace is that I am merely listening to them. We are sharing our lives with each other and this is therapeutic for them. I can easily see the logic behind this way of thinking, but I am giving you only ONE example! There are MANY more examples that prove to me that God wanted us to be here in Romania at this exact time. Something happens everyday that reaffirms to me that God is blessing this project. The timing is perfect, the place is perfect, we and the readers are perfectly matched. We could never have planned these things ourselves. My plans come out OK, at best. In fact, my timing, if anything, is usually really terrible! I believe that God is using my poor timing to prove to me how great His timing is. Since giving up on my plans, His plans are working out very well.

Thanks for all of your prayers! I fully believe that God has answered them. We've had a few struggles, but prayers have made everything to work out well!

" 'The heavens are higher than the earth. In the same way, My ways are higher than your ways. My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.' The Lord, Himself, said these things." Isaiah 55:9

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your sacrifice to spend time spreading the Word. My God bless you and Cyndi for your efforts.
